By Barry Warner Water Assessments by Volunteer Evaluators (WAVE) is citizen-based water quality assessment developed by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. The purpose of WAVE is to enable citizen-scientists to collect biological data for assessment of water quality of wadeable streams in New York State. “Sara is a dedicated volunteer and actively aware […]
By Barry Warner The American eel, Anguilla Rostrata, is born in the Atlantic Ocean and enters North American estuaries, including the Hudson River as tiny ‘glass eels’ each spring. The species is in decline over much of its range and baseline studies of populations are crucial for management decisions. “Laurie Seeman started with the American […]
By Barry Warner Sherese Loblanco is a very active volunteer who coordinates the concession stands at school events, recruits and manages parent volunteers and works closely with the Athletics Department, so the proceeds of funds raised directly benefit athletes and the athletic programs. “Sherese is an integral part of our athletic team,” said Keith Johnson, […]
BY BARRY WARNER People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. For Frandy and Elena Osias, it offered a chance to give something back to the community or to make a difference to the people around them. For others, it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build existing experience and knowledge. Frandy […]
By Barry Warner Tappan Zee High School’s 2019 Project Graduation marks the 28th annual supervised, substance free, all-night party for the graduating seniors. This task involves community-wide support and financial assistance to reach a common goal: to provide a substance free, tobacco free and safe environment to celebrate graduation. Many other communities across the United […]
By Barry Warner Volunteer work presents a great opportunity for teenagers to prepare for the future, as well as to improve their communities. In addition to boosting socializing skills and awareness of local organizations and social issues, Tappan Zee High School students who volunteer on a regular basis, may have an advantage over their peers […]