Calhoun Delivers a Parting Shot in Defense of Gun Owners and Business

Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun (R,C,I-Blooming Grove) voted Tuesday against passage of Assembly Bill 1157-B, which would mandate the practice commonly known as โ€œmicrostampingโ€ on handgun manufacturers in the state. This legislation would force this costly technology on gun manufacturers and make New York the only state to mandate the technology. โ€œMicrostamping is a technology in which [โ€ฆ]

Rockland Legislature Votes to Layoff 102 Workers

Estimates have gone up and down as to how many county employees will be laid off in order to (hopefully) balance this yearโ€™s budget and begin to restore the confidence of creditors. The county legislature finally voted Tuesday 14-2 to move forward with a plan to layoff 102 workers and get rid of 45 vacant [โ€ฆ]