Jennifer’s sweet lil beauty blog: Take the time. make the time.

You can trust Jennifer with your beauty
You can trust Jennifer with your beauty

I can’t express enough the number of instances where I had to step back and remind myself (or whomever was listening to me & offering advice) to ’just breathe’. This little, two word phrase puts it all into perspective. Our lives get so crazy, busy that we get caught up in meaningless tasks and allow silly stresses to get the best of us. We lose sight that at the end of the day, everything will work out and all you can control is your own level of sanity, in a world that is (especially as of late) completely insane. Our lives’ run faster & further than ever before, we are constantly on the move & have no time for one another. You get so focused on building your life, that you end up missing the pleasure and enjoyment in the moments that are happening now. I propose, that now is the time to re-evaluate everything.

As we grow older, we learn so much more about ourselves; what we look for in a significant other, what we expect from our careers and colleagues, which friends we know we want and need in our life and so on. The big picture is easy to describe, however, you never want to look back 5, 10, 15 years from now and regret always looking to the future with no regard to the present time, as it’s happening. Personally, I am always planning ahead, anticipating the next move or change. As I learn more about who I am and what I want to accomplish in this life, I am realizing that maybe, happiness lies in the here & now. I should take pride in all that I have done, and appreciate all that I have in this very moment, which is – everything.48695239691394978_2EOL8O3Y_c-229x300 (2)

To all my sweet little nuggets struggling with finding happiness in the here and now, please take the time and make the time to reflect on the past few weeks, months, even years of your life and re-evaluate things. Maybe the present is perfect. Maybe the future will be even better, but the secret is knowing that you aren’t there yet. Understand and love who you are now, where you are now. Just breathe, baby!

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