Penguin Rep Theatre presents the world premiere of “Drop Dead Perfect,” a new comedy by Erasmus Fenn, directed by Penguin Rep founder and Artistic Director Joe Brancato, and starring Drama Desk Award winner and legendary Ridiculous Theatrical Company veteran Everett Quinton, beginning Friday, August 9 in Stony Point (Rockland County), New York.
“Drop Dead Perfect,” which will be performed through September 1, is described by Mr. Brancato as “a madcap romp that celebrates and satirizes movie melodramas, with a nod to both Alfred Hitchcock and Carol Burnett.”
She may only be a woman in a man’s world in 1952, but life’s no drag for Idris Seabright, wealthy middle-aged matron with a penchant for perfectionism (played by Mr. Quinton). After all, she has her beautiful ward Vivien, her precise pencil sketches and manicured Key West estate. But then Vivien wants to move to Greenwich Village to hang out with beatniks and become an artist, and her lawyer gets a little too interested in her investments. “The sudden appearance of a mysterious stranger bearing an uncanny resemblance to her long-lost love is the last straw”, says Mr. Brancato, “and Idris becomes unhinged, with her world descending into over-the-top comic mayhem”.
“Fasten your seatbelts for an outlandishly funny ride”, says Andrew M. Horn, who is celebrating his 30th year as Penguin Rep’s Executive Director. Featuring adult language, situations and some nudity, the production is recommended for adults only.
In addition to Mr. Quinton, the cast of Drop Dead Perfect features Jason Cruz, Matt Dengler and Michael Keyloun.
Everett Quinton (Idris Seabright) received Drama Desk and Obie Awards for Charles Ludlam’s “The Mystery of Irma Vep,” and also appeared in such other notable Ridiculous Theatrical Company productions as “Galas,” “The Artificial Jungle,” “Camille,” and “Love’s Tangled Web.”
Performance days and times are Thursdays and Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m., Saturday nights at 8:00 p.m., with matinees on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. and Sundays at 2:00 p.m. A special reduced-priced weekday matinee performance is slated for Friday, August 9 at 2:00 p.m.
Performances are slated at Penguin Rep Theatre’s intimate, 108-seat theatre located at 7 Crickettown Road. The facility, a converted 1880s hay barn which was upgraded in 1986 and 2007, features air conditioning, wheelchair accessible rest rooms and entrance, upholstered theatre seats, and plenty of free parking.
Tickets to “Drop Dead Perfect” are priced at $39 each. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more and young people (30 and under).
To order tickets or for further information, visit Penguin Rep’s website at or call 845-786-2873.
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