exhibit photoThe Historical Society of the Nyacks presents: “Berta and Elmer Hader – A Lifetime of Art” in the exhibit cases in Nyack Library’s Carnegie-Farian Room. This exhibit features many of the beloved local authors/illustrators’ children’s books, illustrations, and memorabilia, as well as portraits of each of them in their early years in Grandview.

Little Town frontispiece002The Haders are the subject of a wonderful book, “Berta and Elmer Hader: A Lifetime of Art,” which is now on sale at the library. The Hader exhibit will be available for viewing during library hours through November, 2014. The Nyack library is located at 59 S. Broadway, Nyack. Enter through the historic entrance on South Broadway to see the exhibit.

Visit www.nyacklibrary.org for library hours and other information; for information about the Historical Society of the Nyacks or to become a member of the Society, please visit www.nyackhistory.org.

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