To the Editor,
It seems incredulous and unconscionable that while our nation is spending billions of dollars and putting thousands of American lives at risk to fight terrorism at home and abroad, there would be any consideration to pardon Judith Clark.
Judith Clark was an active and willing participant in an act of homegrown terrorism that resulted in the death of two law enforcement officers as well as a Brinks security officer, who dedicated their lives to providing for the safety of our citizens.
In addition, she attempted to escape from her just punishment and continues to refuse to identify others who were also involved in the planning of the terrorist act on our Town, our County, our Country.
Judith Clark was intimately involved with a murderous act that resulted from a planned and executed plot to steal money to fund additional acts of terrorism within our own borders. I frankly do not see how we as a people can in good conscience and with any sense of ‘justice for all’ contemplate Judith Clarkâs request for a pardon.
I strongly oppose any consideration of a pardon for Judith Clark.
Alexander J. Gromack
Supervisor, Town of Clarkstown
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