Do you know an “Unsung Hero?” Send your recommendation to

The non-profit Legal Aid Society of Rockland County provides free resources for low-income people to access the courts and assert their civil legal rights in cases of abuse and neglect, evictions, foreclosures, child custody and disability benefits.
Development Director Stephen M. Pappas said, “Volunteer Stephen Lee goes above and beyond for the agency by doing research in areas such as housing and domestic violence that allows the lawyers to spend more time in court. As a law school graduate, he is able to investigate the law and write appeals letters, as there is little funding for a research staff. He helps us do more by spending 30 hours a week in the office and participating in outreach to civic groups.”
Stephen Lee said, “I graduated from Seton Hall Law School last year and wanted to perform volunteer service for a non-profit organization. The computer sites I access contain links to legal case software that I use to research child custody, mortgage foreclosures and write appeals. An appeal is a request to have a case heard again, in order to overturn or reverse a previous ruling.
“I also get involved with community outreach to help form groups of tenants who have been unfairly evicted. I volunteer because it is a good experience and one should care about the people in the community that you serve. In the future, I would like to enter the field of Environmental Law that deals with cases involving the quality of air, water, food and the density of housing.”
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