On May 9, 2015, Cardinal Dolan decreed that the parishes of Saint Paul, Congers and Saint Ann, Nyack would be merged. On August 1, there will be a brand new parish of Saint Paul – Saint Ann. The final Sunday mass of Saint Paul Parish Church, Congers, NY was celebrated at 6 p.m., on July 26, 2015.
Clergy present at the final Sunday 6 p.m. mass at Saint Paul, Congers were former pastor Msgr. Tom Gilleece; Msgr. Richard Kyeremeh & Fr. John Palatucci, both parochial vicars of St. Paul; Msgr. John Knrumah; Msgr. Emmet Nevin, outgoing pastor and Dean of Rockland County; Deacon Dominic Buonocore; Fr. Arthur Mastrolia, former pastor.Brother John Wilson, who this fall, will be ordained a Deacon in Rome by Cardinal Dolan, with the Saint. Paul altar servers before the final 6 p.m. Sunday mass.Saint Paul ushers stand by the newly dedicated plaque.
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