JUNE 22, 1966

To the Editor,

I imagine it was a typical winter’s day in Nyack – however, I wouldn’t know because I was a student at Texas A&M University.

Here in Rockland, Sgt. George Hackenberger passed away.ย ย He had served in WWI some 50 years before, which to a college kid is two lifetimes.ย ย A half a century had passed since he had worn the uniform and it would be a couple of years before I would go to war.

Now another half century has passed and last Thursday we buried Sgt. Hackenberger at the County Veterans Cemetery.ย ย Somehow I think he had been waiting and wondering why no one had come for him. Well, now he’s at peace thanks to some good people who took him to his rest with his buddies.


Veterans Service Agency of Rockland County

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