Statement from Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee (D-Suffern):
I want to thank the Monitor team, who after working 17 weeks with educators, parents and Board Members, presented a very comprehensive plan with 19 specific recommendations that responded to the very serious issues impacting the East Ramapo school district. These 19 recommendations which include three areas that require legislation address real issues and concerns that have been raised for 10 years. I am energized and prepared to engage in the process immediately developing legislation that will implement these recommendations which include a monitor with veto power, and additional funding for the school district, both of which have always been a priority.
As Mr. Stipple underscored, the issues facing the District are not about individuals, they are institutional and require streamlining District operations to increase efficiency and transparency. Pursuing legislation to train board members and administrators, convening formal meetings with a Human Rights expert, rethinking the use of Title 1 resources, enhancing professional development, providing full day kindergarten, streamlining grade configurations, reinstating support services for all students, changing bus routes and policies are all critical. Clearly the State needs to provide dollars to the District but we must also ensure responsible oversight.
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