GEORGE IS READY: A new era begins

He’s George


The Town of Clarkstown will be holding its annual Town Board โ€œReorganizationโ€ meeting on Monday, January 4, 2016 in the Town Hall Auditorium.

At the event, Supervisorโ€“elect George Hoehmann, the 45th supervisor of the Town of Clarkstown, will deliver his inaugural address, where he will discuss his vision for 2016.

Hoehmann told the Rockland County Times he has already begun the process of streamlining government, reducing attorneys on the staff payroll from eight to two and trimming two members from the Supervisorโ€™s Office.

As Clarkstown faces dwindling reserves and two recent credit downgrades, Hoehmann says government must change its act. โ€œI ran on a platform of efficiency and fiscal reform…weโ€™re here to do the peopleโ€™s business,โ€ said the supervisor-elect, vowing to push back against any internal resistance from forces set in their ways. Hoehmann credited the citizens movement led by grassroot activists like Peter Bradley and the political leadership of Ed Day for setting a new tone in Rockland County. Hoehmann said, โ€œThere has been a sea change with the election of Ed Day and the coming together of the Preserve groups.โ€

While Hoehmann used to be the whipping boy of GOP elites who desired to control him, now the former Catholic priest said the new environment has given him an opportunity to truly lead. As a prior executive of the Rockland Independent Living Center and former COO of Camp Venture, Hoehmann has extensive organizational experience to lean on as he sets out on his new mission.

The first crisis already has been set before Hoehmann. The outgoing Democratic regime led by Supervisor Alex Gromack rewarded their union supporters with a 9 percent raise over four years only three weeks before Gromackโ€™s term in office ended. Hoehmann said the move was completely inappropriate given the need for his incoming regime to get a handle on the budget. If the deal is not renegotiated it could lead to layoffs, Hoehmann said.

At the January 4 reorganization meeting, the following recently elected officials will all be sworn into office: Supervisor-Elect George Hoehmann, Councilman Frank Borelli, Councilman-Elect John J. Noto, Town Clerk Justin Sweet, Superintendent of Highways-Elect Frank DiZenzo, Sr., Clarkstown Town Justice David Ascher, and Clarkstown Town Justice Howard Gerber.

Police Chaplain David Lothrop will be the Master of Ceremonies, and the Clarkstown Police Honor Guard will conduct the Presentation of Colors.

If you wish to view Supervisor-Elect George Hoehmannโ€™s entire inaugural speech,visit where it will be posted on January 5.

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