Joe Carlin Write-In Candidate for Village of Nyack Trustee

To the Editor,
My name is Joe Carlin, and I am a write-In candidate for Village of Nyack trustee. As an independent Democrat who competed in the recently-held Democratic primary back in September, many have asked me why I am engaging in a write-in campaign. And in response I ask them four simple questions:

●Do you feel disenfranchised from having a say in village government?
●Are you concerned and frustrated about the direction that the village is heading?
●In village elections, does one’s political party really matter?
●Is managing the Village more important than following a national or state political ideology?
There are about 1,600 members of the electorate in Nyack who were unable to cast their vote in September’s primary. And many who did felt that their views are not being represented. I want to Unify Nyack – and make it possible for all Nyack registered voters (Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Greens, Conservatives, Working Family, and others) to have a say in who will represent them in village government– and for this reason I am running as a write-In candidate for Village of Nyack trustee on Tuesday, Nov.7, 2017.
My intention in becoming trustee is to work for all of village residents regardless of political affiliation – and not for any personal or political gain. To that effect, I am pledging to donate my trustee monetary stipend to the Nyack Center Summer Camp Program and to the Rockland County Pride Center if elected.
Please join me in unifying the Nyack that we all love!
Sincerely Yours,
Joe Carlin / Write-In Candidate for Village of Nyack Trustee

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