DAVE’S DIALOGUE: College scholarships available for academics and athletics


College tuition is often a burdensome expense and every little bit helps.

That is why I am excited to announce that the New York Conference of Italian-American State Legislators is now accepting student applications for college scholarships for the 2018-2019 school year.

There are two academic and two athletic scholarships being offered, each for $3,000.

Applicants need not be of Italian-American heritage to apply.

Students applying for the Academic Scholarship will be judged on grade point average, interest in pursuing a higher education degree, involvement in the local community, as well as individual financial need. Students applying for the Athletic Scholarship have to
demonstrate athletic involvement, achievements and interest in continuing those activities in college.

I encourage students in Rockland and Westchester Counties to take full advantage of this opportunity. It would be exciting to see a student or students from our area chosen for these scholarships.

Winners will receive their awards at this year’s ItalianAmerican Day on June 4, in Albany. Applications are available online or at my offices in New City and Ossining, and all applications must be submitted to my offices or emailed to: carlucci@nysenate.gov by April 13, 2018.

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