“Clever Little Lies,” a comedy about love and marriage, opens June 29 and runs weekends through July 22 at Penguin Repertory Theatre on Cricketown Road, in Stony Point. Contains adult language. Go to penguinrep.org or call 845-786-2873.

Garner Arts Center doing “Outdoor Shorts” historic films at special locations Friday, June 22 and Saturday, June 23, both at 7:30 p.m. with pre-show soiree, drinks, live music and hors d’oeuvres at 6:30 p.m. Contact info@garnerartscenter.org.

Rock ‘N Roll at Westchester Broadway Theatre in July with Boys of the Bronx, the Belmonts, the Excellents, on Saturday July 14 and “Fifty Years pf Rock ‘N Roll,” Saturday, July 21 and “Forever Motown,” Saturday July 28. Contact 914-592-2222 or visit broadwaytheatre.com.

Red Knights fundraiser for Willy McCue, New City Fire Department “Country Western Night” September 29 from 6-11 p.m. at Rockland Lake Knickerbocker Firehouse. Call 845-222-3864 or go to Rednightsny18.org.

Clarkstown Summer Concert Series in July and August including performances by the Mighty Spectrum Band doing rock ‘n roll hits, Celtic Cross Irish music, Country Fresh country music, the B Street Band doing Bruce Springsteen hits, the Jersey based Nerds, the Tom Petty Tribute band and Rave On with Buddy Holly songs. Contact the Clarkstown Town Hall for information.

Mr. Barr songs with guitar doing Story time Friday, June 22 at 10:30 a.m. at Haverstraw Kings Daughter’s Library. Call the library at 845-786-3800 for information.

Cole Porters “Anything Goes” opens July 5 through September 5 at Westchester Broadway Theatre in Elmsford with “Phantom” September 13 to November 25 and December 27 to January 27, 2019. Dickens “Christmas Carol” in between. Call 914-592-2222 or go to broadwaytheatre.com.

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