Injured at Work? Remember These Key Steps

Workplace injuries are a big problem for business owners, and more so for employees who experienced getting injured on the job. Whether you’re stacking boxes at a warehouse or working at a desk job, you are always at risk of some debilitating injury or serious medical condition.

Being aware of workplace risks puts you at an advantage in case something comes up whether or not your company is aware of it. At any rate, you still have to know and assert your rights as an employee. But knowing what steps you should take in the event of a work-related accident has to be your priority.

For that, let’s look at a few things to consider when it comes to dealing with an injury on the job.

  1. Apply first aid

Anything can happen no matter how boring the work hours get. There’s always the possibility of slipping and falling. A loose ceiling panel can also fall on your head at any time. A chair you didn’t know was broken can potentially fracture your bones or cause bruises. Accidents can happen at any time, so it’s best to prepare yourself for any eventuality, starting with first aid skills. You can ask for help from your colleagues or deal with the emergency yourself. Take stock of the medical supplies present at your company and know what medications and tools are available.

  1. Know whether you have a preferred provider

Another important step is to go to a health care provider preferred by your company if the injury does not require urgent medical help. It’s best that you consult with your company or the local workers’ compensation board if you are required to undergo diagnostic tests. The costs should be shouldered by your employer unless of course there’s a need to dispute the case.

  1. Launch a lawsuit against a third-party entity

Except for cases where there is a clear intent to cause injury, your employer and co-workers are not held liable. What you can do, however, is to sue a third party, specifically, your Workers’ Compensation carrier. Your legal counsel should be able to establish that there has been negligence over the release of medical payments and other benefits such as salary loses due to hospital confinement. In any case, getting ample legal advice is always essential to fast-track your claims and avoid any technicalities.

  1. Find the right lawyer

A skilled attorney can help you lower costs and receive your claims seamlessly. You should start by knowing the right specializations for your needs. If a third party is involved, you may opt for an experienced attorney in the field of Workers’ Compensation. In cases of intentional injury either by your employer or a co-worker, opt for a legal professional specializing in personal injury cases. Learn more about personal injury litigation from a Manhattan-based law firm.

As an employee, you are entitled to financial and physical security from any potential hazards at the office. Although it has always been your personal responsibility to protect yourself from risk, you are still entitled to compensation no matter what.

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