Rockland is Ready for Snow

COUNTY PRESS RELEASE – Rockland County Executive Ed Day and County Highway Superintendent Charles H. Vezzetti announced that the Rockland County Highway Department is well prepared for this coming snow and ice season.

The Highway Department will be holding its annual snow and ice school on November 6th and 7th at 23 New Hempstead Road, New City. All members of the Department will receive a refresher course in plowing, sensible salting, as well as personal and operational safety.ย 

The training concludes with operators making trial runs of their individual snow plow routes.

โ€œOur Highway Department operates 24 snow plow routes which cover 170 miles of County roads,โ€ said Superintendent Vezzetti. โ€œOur mechanics and assistants have been working on preparing the snow plow fleet since mid-September. All the Countyโ€™s trucks, loaders and plows have been individually inspected, serviced and are ready to battle the elements this winter.โ€

Appropriately enough, on the evening of November 7 the region may be in for some wintery weather with precipitation and temperatures in the low 30s in the forecast.

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