The Rockland County Department of Health (RCDOH) has announced that registration for the COVID-19 vaccine at the RCDOH site will open on the COVID-19 webpage for residents with qualifying comorbidities/underlying health conditions only today, March 1, at 4:00 pm. They expect the registration link to only be open for a few minutes. For up-to-date information on vaccinations at the RCDOH COVID-19 clinic, follow the RCDH on their Facebook page: or
The RCDOH received 1,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine (week 10 and 11 allocations) to vaccinate persons with certain qualifying comorbidities/underlying health conditions who live in New York State and residents and staff of Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) facilities. The list of qualifying comorbidities can be found here. RCDOH will be vaccinating anyone with at least one comorbidity/underlying health condition who is 18 years of age or older.
To show you have a qualifying comorbidity or an underlying health condition, residents must provide documentation which must be either a doctor’s letter, medical information evidencing comorbidity, or a signed certification/attestation.
You must attest to having at least one of the qualifying health conditions to register for an appointment. Appointments are required. Residents with qualifying health conditions will be able to make an appointment by visiting:
The RCDOH must follow the Governor’s Executive Order and New York State guidelines on whom we can vaccinate. Appointments for vaccinations performed by hospitals, local pharmacies, physician networks or practices, and other locations must be made directly through those providers. A list of Rockland County’s Vaccine Allocation can be found here.
“We can vaccinate those with comorbidities or underlying health conditions who are 18 years and older, including individuals with these conditions in our 65+ population. Vaccine supply is still currently limited, and vaccinations among previous priority groups will continue alongside new groups to reach as many residents as possible. Please be patient in scheduling appointments as we continue to follow the state’s guidance on whom the local health department may vaccinate with each weekly shipment of vaccine. Even for those vaccinated, it remains vital to continue to wear your mask, wash your hands, avoid large public gatherings, and maintain physical distance with those outside your home,” said County Health Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert.
Check the New York State Am I Eligible webpage for a list of state-run vaccination sites. If you do not have access to a computer, eligible New Yorkers can call to schedule a vaccination appointment at a state-run site by calling the New York State COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline 1-833-697-4829.
The Rockland County Department of Health cannot predict how many more doses will be received in the coming weeks and encourages eligible individuals to sign up for appointments wherever they are available.
Your appointment for the second dose will be made for you during your first dose appointment. As a reminder, wherever you receive your first dose of vaccine, you must return to that location for your second dose.
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