Update: Judge Ugell Decides to Keep West Hook Case Open

Judge Scott Ugell said on Thursday he was satisfied with the global settlement presented to him on Tuesday, but would not close the case. 

The judge asked both parties to return to court on Sept. 21, where the town would present an estimated amount of compensation for the time spent by town employees who worked on the case. 

“The town should calculate how many [hours in each department] were utilized to investigate and solve this problem, and report back to the court,” said Ugell. “Otherwise, such an agreement would send a message that it’s better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.” 

Ugell said the case will remain open indefinitely, to ensure that the remaining work that needs to be done is completed. 

“I’m pleased that Judge Ugell recognized the proposed settlement was contrary to the interests of Clarkstown’s taxpayers,” said resident and local activist Marvin Baum. 

The Rockland Times reached out to the town supervisor’s office for comment and will update the story once they respond.


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