How to prepare your business for summer

Each year, there are around 10.9 million visits to the UK from overseas. As a result, around 1.7 people in the UK are employed in the tourism sector. If you’re a business owner looking to prepare your business for a successful summer, we’ve outlined some top tips below. 


Why is it important to prepare your business for summer? 

The summer season is a pivotal period for the tourism industry, often becoming the peak time of year. As the summer rolls around, warm weather and extended daylight hours mean that the sector experiences an upsurge. This means it’s a critical time for businesses to capitalise on this demand. 

For many destinations, summer not only brings about a significant influx of domestic and international visitors but also stimulates the local economy through increased spending on accommodation, dining, attractions and retail. 

The season provides the ultimate opportunity for you to maximise revenue and leave long-lasting impressions on visitors as a business. That’s why it’s so important to prepare for the summer months if you want to sustain your growth and keep your customers coming back! 


How to prepare for summer 

  1. Install HVAC systems 

In the peak of summer, when temperatures soar and comfort becomes paramount, HVAC systems are essential for your business if you want your visitors to have a comfortable experience. HVAC systems help you create a comfortable environment which will significantly influence guest satisfaction and retention. 

Hotels, restaurants, museums and other tourist attractions, benefit from HVAC systems as they give you the ability to provide a cool, controlled climate amidst the summer heat. This not only elevates the guest experience but also serves as a key differentiator in a competitive market. 

To install a HVAC system you’ll need to measure up for your system and find the ideal position. Once you’ve decided where it’s going to be installed, you’ll need some specialist equipment, like a concrete drill, to securely attach your system to the walls or ceiling. 

  1. Prepare your team 

Training staff ahead of the summer tourist boom is essential for ensuring that you can provide exceptional service and meet the heightened expectations of a diverse clientele. 

While it’s easy to leave training until the busy period, this can mean the first few weeks of your summer period can be hectic. What’s more, if you have teething problems, this could mean customers have a negative experience which might impact the rest of your season. For example, negative reviews online might deter potential customers and this can be fatal for your profit margins. 

Having a dedicated period of preparation allows new employees to familiarise themselves with updated protocols, emergency procedures and any new services that are being introduced. 

Well-trained staff are also better equipped to handle the increased volume of customers meaning you can consistently deliver excellent service and navigate any challenges. 

  1. Marketing your business 

Marketing your business is essential, especially given the current challenges facing the UK economy in 2024. If you’re going to draw in new and old customers this summer, here are a few things you’ll need to consider as part of your marketing strategy: 

  • Understand your audience: Before diving into any promotional activities, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your target audience. You should think about who your ideal customers are, their preferences and how they like to spend their time. By tailoring your marketing messages to your audience’s desires and pain points, you’re far more likely to capture their interest. 
  • Use social media: Love it or hate it, social media platforms are powerful tools for engaging potential customers. Use visually appealing posts to showcase your USPs, amenities or any new or improved services – like your upgraded HVAC systems! Behind-the-scenes content, live videos and customer testimonials can add a personal touch that resonates with viewers, too. Top off your post with some strategic hashtags and locations to increase visibility. 
  • Update your website: Your website is often the first point of call for potential guests. Make sure your website is working, up-to-date, mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. You should highlight any information that will draw in customers. For example, you might want to include your summer specials, exclusive events or hospitality packages. 
  • Engage with email marketing: Email marketing helps you communicate with your customers by dropping information directly into their inbox. Segment your email list to send personalised messages that cater to different interests, such as family-friendly activities, romantic getaways or activities for groups of friends. 
  • Partner with other businesses: Although it might seem counterintuitive, collaborating with other local businesses can create mutually beneficial marketing opportunities. Package deals, for example, a tour that includes a meal at a local restaurant and discounts on nearby attractions can work together to offer added value to your guests. These partnerships can also broaden your reach, exposing your business to a wider audience. 
  • Encourage online reviews: Reviews on platforms like TripAdvisor can significantly influence booking decisions. Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, helps you demonstrate your commitment to your customers and can improve your business’s online reputation.


Final thoughts… 

Preparing your business for the bustling summer season helps ensure your business stands out in a highly competitive landscape. Installing essential amenities like HVAC systems, training your staff thoroughly and deploying a multifaceted marketing strategy will all help you create unforgettable experiences for your visitors. 

By taking these proactive steps, you’re not just preparing for a successful summer; you’re investing in the long-term growth and sustainability of your tourism business, ensuring it remains a preferred choice for travellers in the summers to come. 

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