“Hi, My Name is Skye”: Local author and photographer makes bald eagle book

“Hi, My Name is Skye”: Local author and photographer makes bald eagle book

Jane Aguilar Murphy may be an employee for Rockland County, but her real passion is birds—bald eagles, to be exact. The nature-lover’s fascination with these creatures runs so deep that she recently wrote and published “Hi, My Name is Skye,” a children’s book documenting a real baby bald eagle’s journey to leaving the nest with […]

“An opportunity for memories”: Candlelight Vigil Held for Morgan Family

“An opportunity for memories”: Candlelight Vigil Held for Morgan Family

On the night of Wednesday, January 3, a shocked and saddened Clarkstown community gathered at Germonds Park to honor the memory of Ornella, Gabriel and Liam Morgan with a candlelight vigil and memorial wall. Arranged by friends of the family, approximately 1,000 community members, elected officials and community leaders attended to show their respect for […]

89-year-old Tappan Man Honors Late Wife With Christmas Display

89-year-old Tappan Man Honors Late Wife With Christmas Display

  While most people spend August enjoying the dog days of summer, 89-year-old Tappan resident Vincent “Vinnie” Barrasi—commonly referred to as “Grandpa Vinnie” by neighborhood locals—is already hard at work preparing for his favorite season: Christmas. For the past decade, the retired Bronx bus driver has spent August through October putting up an extravagant light […]

‘Wow! That’s Unusual’ Lives Up to Name

‘Wow! That’s Unusual’ Lives Up to Name

There aren’t many places one can stumble upon a taxidermied mouse snorting lines of fake cocaine, but at Suffern consignment shop ‘Wow! That’s Unusual,’ unique treasures can be found in spades.  Owned by small-business entrepreneur Steve Kaufman, the 14-year-old enterprise boasts an extensive collection of specialized items, including—but certainly not limited to—records, sports memorabilia, vintage […]

New City “Peach Pit” Moves to New Location

New City “Peach Pit” Moves to New Location

Healthy eating can be notoriously difficult, but it doesn’t have to be! New City’s Peach Pit Bowl Shop & Kitchen, which celebrated its fifth anniversary in November, boasts a tasty selection of acai bowls, smoothies and juices, along with a host of vegan, gluten-free and low-carb items. Co-founders Shannon and Dave Bagatta—a former health restaurant […]

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