DIMOND: This President Is Likely Here to Stay — Get Used to It

BY DIANE DIMOND As you read this, the president of the United States might very well have said or tweeted out more intemperate things. It is pretty clear that Donald J. Trump plays fast and loose with the English language, and that diplomatic speak is not in his wheelhouse. He shoots from the lip and […]

HOMETOWN HAPPENINGS: Preserving Clarkstown

HOMETOWN HAPPENINGS: Preserving Clarkstown

By George Hoehmann, Supervisor Town of Clarkstown Over the last 15 months, I have worked tirelessly to begin righting our fiscal ship and reducing wasteful government spending.  With the Town Board, we reduced spending by over $4 million by cutting salaries and eliminating positions; reduced stipends, merged boards, and ended the take home vehicle policy. Just […]

The County Executive’s Corner: Fighting Back

The County Executive’s Corner: Fighting Back

  By Rockland County Executive Ed Day I spent years coaching young people in our community and I saw them at their best – hardworking, dedicated, talented. It would break my heart years later when word got back to me about a young person I coached who was lost to drugs or alcohol. Over the […]

With us or Against Us

With us or Against Us

Local political figures must disavow Ramapo 5 and those who nominate them or they tacitly support them By Chris Day, Candidate for Orangetown Supervisor Recently, five Ramapo county legislators, elected via the overwhelming force of the “bloc vote” controlled by the leaders of the Hasidic community and their developer allies, decided to disregard the fact […]



Open Letter to Acting Supervisor of the Town of Ramapo Yitzchok Ullman: First and foremost, thank you for taking on the responsibilities of Ramapo town supervisor with the departure of Mr. St. Lawrence. We look forward to more transparency and fair play under your guidance. After reading your statement in the Rockland County Times, I […]