Let ALL Jurors Ask Questions!

BY DIANE DIMOND I have sat in many courtrooms during my career and studiously watched the faces of jurors listening to evidence in cases ranging from murder and rape to assault and political corruption. I’ve strained to see if I could get a clue from them as to what their ultimate verdict might be. It […]

Letter to the Editor: STOP DIGGING

To the Editor, They say the best way to get out of a hole is to stop digging. I am deeply concerned that we are continuing to dig a deeper hole for the North Rockland Community. The current proposed budget of $206,330,813 with a proposed tax levy increase of 3.63 percent to educate 8,129 students […]

The Courage to Stand (Almost) Alone

The Courage to Stand (Almost) Alone

The Rockland County Times has learned that freshman Assemblyman James Skoufis (D-Stony Point, Orange County) was one of only a handful of Assembly Democrats to vote against Governor Cuomo’s NY SAFE gun control act. Skoufis did not bow to political pressure at midnight and sign the bill, and instead chose to vote his conscience. This […]