Calming the Volume of TV

BY DIANE DIMOND Don’t look now, but we have another new law on the books. This one has the soothing acronym “The Calm Act.” That’s short for The Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act. In layman’s terms, it requires TV stations, cable operators, purveyors of satellite TV and other providers to make sure TV commercials aren’t […]

ObamaCare Embraces Health Savings Accounts

BY DAN PERRIN Despite getting clobbered in the fiscal cliff negotiations, Republicans have something to celebrate this year — the survival of health savings accounts, or HSAs. They had feared that President Obama would obliterate this critical cost-saving tool. Sure, the president had promised that ObamaCare would not bar HSA-qualified plans from health insurance exchanges. […]

Cox Against Wage Hike

NYGOP Chair Ed Cox issued the following statement Tuesday on Gov. Cuomo’s proposed minimum wage increase: “As is often the case with Andrew Cuomo’s propositions, the proposed minimum wage increase is good politics for the Governor, but bad policy for New Yorkers. “Everyone likes the sound of higher wages, but a higher minimum wage means […]


Part I By Anthony Melé School Lock-Down Policies are why more children will be killed, held hostage or raped by the criminally insane or terrorist hostage takers in the next attack. It is counter-intuitive to purge teachers and students of their natural instincts to flee danger or evade an attacker seeking them harm. In each […]

Orangetown Seeks Input on Hospital Development; Public Comments Sought on RPC at Tuesday Meeting

BY ROBERT KNIGHT CITY EDITOR ROCKLAND COUNTY TIMES The Town of Orangetown will seek public comment Tuesday on its plans to re-develop the 350-acre former campus of the Rockland Psychiatric Center in Orangeburg. The town purchased the mostly vacated campus of the state psychiatric hospital more than a decade ago, and has been trying to […]