Bernard Carella is All In

BY DYLAN SKRILOFF The son of the late Josephine Carella, longtime town clerk of Haverstraw, told the Rockland County Times he is all in for a run to win his motherโ€™s former seat in 2013. Bernard Carella said he learned a lot from his mother, believes she did an exemplary job as town clerk and [โ€ฆ]


Dear Editor, With the passing of Josephine E. Carella, the Haverstraw community has lost a very special person, that touched the lives of many people throughout the years of her public service as Haverstraw Town Clerk. I first met Josephine in early 1995. She was a woman of strength, conviction and courage that inspired many other woman [โ€ฆ]

โ€œHouse of Horrorsโ€ Story Spooks Town Board

Nervous officials attack Rockland County Times, even while confirming the most important points of the article BY DYLAN SKRILOFF It was a rare scene last Tuesday night in Clarkstown Town Hall, as resident after resident read excerpts of the Rockland County Timesโ€™ controversial front page article from August 9, โ€œHouse of Horrors,โ€demanding explanations from the [โ€ฆ]

Clarkstown Taxpayers Group Rejects Town Boardโ€™s Plan to Consolidate Highway Department Garages

Official statement from the Clarkstown Taxpayers President Guy Gervasi The Clarkstown Taxpayers have actively pushed the Clarkstown Town Board to pursue any consolidation of its government services if it could save money for the taxpayers. However, in the case of the planned consolidation of the three town garage, which our group initially pushed, the Town [โ€ฆ]