Letter to the Editor: I AM AN AMERICAN

Dear Editor, I am proud to say that I am an American, who is the son of hard-working Italian immigrants that taught me and my siblings a strong love and respect for this country, patriotism and tradition. On that note, I have to say that there is a notable lack of respect for one area […]


Dylan, I am glad to see you doing well in battle, the Stony Point Battlefield! We need real men such as yourself, with commonsense, in positions of leadership, meaning handling our tax dollars properly. This is currently not being done in Stony Point or much of Rockland County. I believe you have a secret weapon […]

The Power of the Warrior Mom

BY LYNN TEGER They say there is nothing like the power of a woman. If this is true, imagine how that power explodes exponentially when you are talking about the power of Warrior Moms all over the country who are concerned about the future of their children. Last Saturday, a group called “Stop Common Core […]

New HUD Rule Takes Control of Local Zoning

New HUD Rule Takes Control of Local Zoning

How many broken communities will be enough? BY LYNN TEGER HUD plans to take local zoning out of the hands of local governments. This violates the NYS Constitution and is a big power grab by the Federal government. Since Governor Cuomo plans on making NYS a “source of income” state, taking Section 8 tenants will […]


To the Editor, I’ve become aware of a book on the history of World War II written by Robert Welch who founded the John Birch Society back in 1958. This book is based largely on the explosive allegations it contains about the alleged crimes of General Dwight Eisenhower in the war in Europe, which have […]

Letter to the Editor: READER: WE SHOULD FEAR DESAL

To the Editor, I am a private citizen who happens to be very concerned about United Water’s proposed Desalination Plant on the Haverstraw Bay. Suffice it to say, I will not go into all of the reasons I am against this plant, as my opinions are the same as many environmental groups such as the […]