A “Direct” Way to Lower Health Costs

BY DICK RESCH Has America tamed the health-cost monster? The data seem to indicate as much. Health spending has grown by about 4 percent annually over the past four years — the lowest rate in half a century. But our apparent victory may be short-lived. Researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation estimate that the recession […]

Expanding Medicaid: A Foolish Way to Improve Healthcare Access

BY SALLY C. PIPES United States Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently said “that if you want a healthier population, looking at the opportunity to expand Medicaid has got to be a piece of the puzzle.” Expansion of Medicaid — the jointly run federal-state health plan for low-income Americans — has long been […]

Another shooting, another misguided debate

BY MICHAEL RICONDA When Navy veteran Aaron Alexis, 34, opened fire at the U.S. Navy yard in Washington D.C. on September 16, the job had practically been laid out for the media and the broader public discussion. One could already see the battle lines drawn long before Alexis ever picked up a gun. On every […]

Is Obamacare a time bomb for the average wage earner?

Is Obamacare a time bomb for the average wage earner?

Death and taxes may be the one thing we can all be certain of, but would the Supreme Court have declared the Affordable Care Act a tax if the Internal Revenue Service did not exist? Craig Bergman, conservative talk show host in syndication in 12 states, gave the Court’s decision a thumbs down in an […]

The Lopsided Outrage over Racially Motivated Crimes

The Lopsided Outrage over Racially Motivated Crimes

BY DIANE DIMOND It keeps happening. Nearly every week there are more brutal crimes that bear all the earmarks of being racially motivated but because the victims are white, you will probably never hear about them. We’ve all seen the rallies around black victims of white-perpetrated violent crime — and that’s cool. It’s the right […]

Divorce American Style

BY DIANE DIMOND Are you or someone you know contemplating a divorce? Are there plans to hire a lawyer and take the matter to court? At the risk of raising the ire of matrimonial lawyers, I say, you might want to rethink that idea. I’ve written in this space about alternative ideas to divorce court, […]